Thursday, 29 November 2012

Dragon Age Two: Gifts and Upgrades for Fenris

I was going to do a full "Gifts and Upgrades"  for all companions but then i realized... Why would you care bout anyone 'cept Fenris?  He is just so perfect! His sad past, his sexy body, dangerous....troubled man...XD when i am talking to him, i seriously wish i could go into the game and play as Hawke myself, i would never leave lol XD Annnywaaays, getting a little carried away lol.

Damn..isn't he just sexy? hehe


There are no gifts for Fenris in Act I.

Act II:

A Slave's Life  can be found in a sack in the Alienage at NIGHT.
You can get to the alienage by clicking on "Merril's home" and leave her house clicking on "Lowtown" or just click on "Lowtown" and walk there.

Act III:

Blade of Mercy can be found during "Best served Cold" in a chest after speaking to Keran in the "Secret meeting spot" at the docks.


There are no upgrades for Fenris in ACT I.

Act II:

Lyrium Scales can be bought from  the "Shady Merchandise" shop in the docks.

Tevinter Spirit Symbol can be bought from "Robes by Jean Luc"  in Hightown.

Reinforced Straps can be found during "A Bitter Pill" in the west room of the Abandoned Slaves' Den after speaking to the elven slave.

Act III:

Kill the "High Dragon" for the quest "Mine Massacre." Enchanted Resin will be among the remains.


  1. Your Work is exellent it's helpful for me also check my post!!!

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  2. Dragon Age II is a wonderful game, I am also a big fan of it. Thanks for sharing those upgrades.
